Star of the Sea Marlborough

Star of the Sea Marlborough
(Te Whetu O Te Moana)


When couples grow in love, they reach a stage of the relationship where they want to formalise this in a public manner. For many this is a civil ceremony, conducted by a civil celebrant in a place significant to the couple.


After completing the preliminary civil requirements, Couples celebrate their union in the presence of a priest or deacon and two witnesses. Witnesses need to be 18 or over. The Church asks that Marriages be celebrated in the Church, the place where the faith community gathers for many of our sacraments.


Preparation for a wedding takes time, and so does preparation for the Sacrament. Couples are asked to register with one of the priests soon after their engagement, so that preparation for the Service and Reception can run well together. They need to supply

  1. A birth certificate or passport

  2. A recent copy of their Baptism Certificate

Marriage preparation through an approved course is highly recommended by the State and the Church.


Further information is available from the Parish Office.