Star of the Sea Marlborough

Star of the Sea Marlborough
(Te Whetu O Te Moana)

Welcome to 

Te Whetu O te Moana l Star of the Sea 

Marlborough Catholic Parish

 We warmly welcome you to our Parish. We are an extensive parish across a big part of our country. Many of our people are significant participants in the life of their local communities. Welcome to our web page. If you need any further information, please feel free to contact us. 

Our Vision: to become “A welcoming, thriving, inclusive community of Christian faith, hope and love”.

One Mission. One Parish. From the Sounds to the Sea, the Mountains to the Plains. We are the Catholic Communities of Wairau,  Kaikoura, Sounds, and Awatere

Mission Statement

We are joy-filled missionary disciples: walking in Christ’s light, growing in faith together, and taking the Gospel and the love of Jesus to the people of Marlborough, and beyond.

 There is more information and explanation under "Notices and Events".

One Parish

We are a very large geographic parish, stretching from Havelock & Picton in the NW, through Blenheim, the Awatere and on to Kaikoura in the SE. From the Tasman Coast we stretch more than 100km inland to the Molesworth Cattle Station. Large or small, all our communities are served with generosity and joy.

Our families come from a growing and wider cultural background, and a wide mix of employment, including: cattle, education, fishing, grains & gardens, health care, local government, retired, salt works, sheep, tourism, & wine industry.

Come and See

Whether you are visiting and checking for Mass times, or staying a time, I invite you to view the various aspects of our website to learn about our communities and our ministries. And if you are a local or staying, please consider what gifts you might bring to the community, so we can better serve the wider communities we belong to.


Parish Priest